Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederate States And Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States, 1861-1865

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Its location now is unknown.
On Sunday Mr. Davis attended divine services at the Epis- copal church in the morning and at the Baptist church at night.
On Monday he went to Fairview and spent several hours in his old home.
Dr. C. C. Brown, of Bowling Green, conceived the idea of founding the memorial, and he has been ardent for its success.
The undertaking included at first a large area of the land long ago owned by the father, Samuel C. Davis, at Davisburg (now Fairview) ; but the committee, af
...ter visiting the premises, con- cluded that a smaller area would be preferable. Upon this choice ground, including several residences, options were se- cured, and to save them to the committee. Gen. Bennett H.
Young, commanding the Kentucky Division, United Confed- erate Veterans, advanced the cash necessary to complete the purchase. The Davis Memorial Home is therefore established, and it is to be a Mecca, the Mount Vernon of Kentucky, a credit to the South and the country at large in proportion to the liber- ality of those who honor the memory of the Confederacy's only President.

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Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederate States And Abraham Lincol...
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