Jenna & Jonah's Fauxmance

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As we pass him coming off the stage, he’s muttering something about “pint-sized tin-pot tyrant wouldn’t understand this role if Will Kemp himself …” He’s too angry to even sneer at us.
We begin by simply blocking out the scene. It’s a relief, because if there’s one thing that even the worst actor on any two-camera sitcom can do, it’s hit a mark. Charlie and I have spent the last four years crossing to X’s both visible and invisible on the floor, so this is a breeze. We’ve both got our scripts ap
...propriately marked, which hopefully impresses the other cast members, who keep casting sly glances over our shoulders to see if we know what we’re doing.
Once the rough blocking is done, we run through the scene, which serves as a basic introduction to most of the characters and also to the “merry war” between Beatrice and Benedick.
“Now remember, you two,” Flannery says. “You both think you can’t stand each other, but there’s not a single other person on earth who gets you the way the other one does.

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Jenna & Jonah's Fauxmance
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