Jessie's Flirtations

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Jessie's Flirtations
Curtis, Harriot F
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What reading level is Jessie's Flirtations book?
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" Cato !" said Mr. Burton, as his eye, in following Jessie's exit, fell upon his ser- vant waiting on the outside of the door, ** attend my niece to her room, and bring me the key." '* Bring you the key, what can you want of the key of Miss Jessie's room 1 it won't unlock your door." " Go !" interrupted his master, pointing ; and the obedient slave instantly vanished.
" I beg you will not carry this to an ex- treme," said i Mrs. Butler; "it will 'get noised over the house, and cause many improp remarks, and I think your infor- mation incorrect, if you have been led to believe your niece guilty of falsehood.
Her fault is extreme frankness of speech and manner; she very improperly never thinks what she is going to do or say, or what others may say. She — " " Shall learn that her old uncle is not to be fooled by her seeming simplicity," interrupted Mr. Burton, finishing Mrs.
Butler's sentence. " But I do not want to discuss this matter farther; my n^ind is made up, and when that is the case, you well know it is useless to argue with me.

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