John Randolph, a Character Sketch

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Yet, even in this letter, he admits that the Union was only a means of liberty and safety, and not an end to which these blessings were to be sacrificed. He loved the Union — the Constitutional Union of Sovereign States under a government based upon the consent of the gov- erned — not an unconstitutional Union of a tyrant section and subject provinces pinned together by bayonets. No wonder, then, that, when South Carolina, hot with wrath at the successive tariff acts, each wor than its prede- cessor, by which she had been plundered, turned fiercely upon her oppressors, and declared the latest of these acts null and void, and when the imperious Jackson prepared to crush her by force and hang her leaders to the nearest tree, Randolph sprang once more into the lists.
Sick, suffering and dying though he was, he had him- self lifted into the carriage and driven from county to county in his district. No longer strong enough to stand, he nevertheless spoke to multitudes from his seat and held them with his glittering eye and thrilling voice.

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John Randolph, a Character Sketch
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