Journal of the Senate of the State of Indiana; During the Fifteenth Session of the General Assembly. 1830-31

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Blair, Orr and Linton be the con> mittee.
A message from the House of Representatives by Mr. Sheets their Clerk: Mr. President, The House of Representatives has recceded from the 2d amendment proposed by them to the engrossed bill from the.
Senate entitled, "An act tor the prevention of frauds and perjuries," and in- sist on their fifth amendment to 6aid bill.
The Senate proceeded to the consideration of said propo- sed 5th amendment, and, On motion of Mr. Gregory, they receded from their disag
...ree- ment to it.
Ordered, That the House of Representatives be informed thereof.
The President laid before the Senate the petition of the officers of the 16th Regiment, praying an alteration in the mode of collecting military fines, which was read and referred to the committee on military affairs.
Mr. Stevens, from the committee on the judiciary, made the following report: Mr. President: The committee on the judiciary, to whom was commit- ted the petition of Jesse Oneal, praying for the passage of an act of the Legislature, to compel the Agent of the county of Rush, to make him a deed to a lot in the town of Rushville, in said county, Report, That they have examined the petition, and all the documents accompayning the same, and find that if the peti- tion be true, and the documents accompayning it be genuine, (which the committee have no reason to ; doubt,) the petitioner has an undoubted, equitable title to the lot of ground in ques- tion, and that a court of chancery, on a proper application, will be bound to grant him adequate relief.

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