Judgement Call

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Not that he expected to find the escapee there, but he would never know until he knocked, or kicked the door in, and he knew he had enough reasonable suspicion to do that if he had to. Or at least he could manufacture some if necessary.
As he took the videocassettes off his tray and re-stacked them on the table, FB swung into the office on the door jamb. ‘Where have you been?’ he demanded.
‘Making enquiries,’ Henry responded, picking up a tape to show he wasn’t lying, and waggling it at FB. ‘Why
...?’ ‘We need more monkeys, that’s why.’ ‘Eh?’ ‘Muscle – we need some muscle. I want to go and hit an address in Salford with the Regional Crime Squad, but I need some cannon fodder.’ ‘What address? Why?’ ‘Upstairs now,’ FB said and swung back out of the office.
Ten minutes later Henry was sitting in the back of a personnel carrier with four other constables, a PC driving with Fanshaw-Bayley and another detective crushed together alongside the driver on the bench seat.

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