Judith And Other Poems

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The book Judith And Other Poems was written by author Here you can read free online of Judith And Other Poems book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Judith And Other Poems a good or bad book?
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Till in the end, for I was stronger, And better mounted, and more bound In strands of hate, I hurled him bleeding Both horse and rider to the ground.
Was it a dream, what followed after?
The play of death, the tennis yard, — The flash of weapons in the moonlight, The deadly lunge within the guard \ I saw the Langley, crimson blushing, With blood my eager hand had spilt ; I saw the red forked lightning quiver Along his blade from point to hilt ; JUDITH. 39 And then, amid Cimmerian darkness, j ?
...A fire-pang passed throughout my frame, Hot as the seething hell of passions, Which rocked me on its points of flame.
Was it a dream, what followed after I An old man railing at his stars, And first, true love, in prison beating Itself to death against the bars I I know not ; for as many tissues, Of varied texture, varied dye, Go to compose but one fair limning Of colours to the artist's eye ; So in my woof, the fatal sisters Have wrought and spun, till web and strand. Each leaf of gold and thread of tissue — Have been worked up beneath their hand, To form one Peri and one Haden, All things else lost or void of form, The spring-tide flood, the surging billow, The wreck, the life-boat, and the storm.

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