Kathleen in Ireland

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The book Kathleen in Ireland was written by author Here you can read free online of Kathleen in Ireland book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Kathleen in Ireland a good or bad book?
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" Listen ! " she cried, standing with outstretched arms to catch the brick of turf Danny was ready to throw to her ; " listen, there 's the horn now 1 It sounds so sweet I 'd almost think it was the fairies." Danny waited until they heard the baying of the hounds and the halloo of the riders, and then he went on with his work.
" They may kill harmless animals if they like ; but I 'd rather be able to hit your hands with a brick of turf," he said, suiting the action to the word, " than to hit a
...handsome deer with a bullet." Kathleen's thoughts were busy with the hunters for a long time and she asked her brother endless questions about them, — Where did they live ?
What did they do with the deer? How did the horses go over the stone walls and fences? Why did the riders wear scarlet coats?
KATHLEEN EARNS A POUND 73 "How many hunters are there?" she asked at last.
" Oh, fifteen or more," Danny answered care- lessly. " But if they needed thirty men to catch one poor deer, they could find them easily.

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Kathleen in Ireland
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