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was supposed to take place in a fancy restaurant with both of them dressed up, serenaded by great music as he wined and dined Bobby and, if possible, feast on her wonderfully curvy body as his dessert.
But instead, he found himself at the front door of a red-brick building asking for Bobby.
“Are you Leandro Chris-Cross?”
Leandro nearly choked at the way the older harried-looking woman butchered his family’s name, which was one of the oldest and most illustrious in Greece. “I am Leandro Christopo
...ulos, yes.”
“Good. She’s expecting you. She’s in her office – just go straight down the hallway and it’s the last door on your left.”
He was about to thank her when the woman slammed the door on his face.
Leandro blinked.
The door opened again a second later. “Sorry. I forgot you were supposed to come in.”
She had forgotten he was supposed to come in? What else was he supposed to do when he was here to visit Bobby?
“Close the door for me, will you? I need to get back to the kids.”

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