Knowledge, Belief And Certitude; An Inquiry Into Conclusions

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All events seem entirely loose and separate. One event follows another, but we can never discern any tie between them. They seem conjoined but never connected. But as we can have no idea of anything which never appeared to our outward sense or inward sentiment, the necessary conclusion seems to be that we have no idea of connection or power at all ; and that these words Scientific Concepts in Philosophy. 2)IS are absolutely without any meaning when employed either in philosophical reasonings or... common life."^ Hume rejected the notions of power or efficiency — that is, he rejected cause- altogether. Cause and effect are correlatives : each implies, the other : an effect is that which is made or produced by the cause : a cause is that which produces the effect. Deny con- nection between the two ; hold that the first has nothing whatever to do with the second ; you annihilate the concept of cause ; it is " absolutely without any meaning ".
Unhappily Hume continued to use the word in a new sense, and J.

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Knowledge, Belief And Certitude; An Inquiry Into Conclusions
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