Korean Games : With Notes On the Corresponding Games of China And Japan

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The numbers represented by the throws are from "one" to "four" in 64 permutations, from which, it will be seen, that only three staves are used. Nyout, or "four," is the highest throw, and an explanation is Jhus given of the name of the game, which is that of the highest throw in the divina- tory system from which the game originated.
The Chinese Book of Divina- tion consists of 64 diagrams, Kwd, composed of combinations of un- broken with broken lines , six being taken at a time, and the resul
...ting diagrams being known as the Sixty-four Kwd, Fig. 80. Each of these 64 hexagrams is designated by a name and is accompanied by a short ex- planatory text. Now the Sixty- four Hexagrams are regarded as an expansion of the Eight Trigrams, Fig.
81, called the Pat Kwd, or " Eight Kzvd',' formed by combining the same un- broken and broken lines three at a time.^ The unbroken lines in the dia- i;B<.>!- Fig. 79.— First page of Tjykk-sa-tjykm.
Korean hand-book for divination with staves.
* These combinations of triple lines are believed to have been invented by Fuh-hi, the legen- dary founder of the Chinese polity, as successor to the divine beings who are reputed to have reigned during countless ages before human society was constituted.

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Korean Games : With Notes On the Corresponding Games of China And Japan
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