Kottō : Being Japanese Curios, With Sundry Cobwebs

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Kottō : Being Japanese Curios, With Sundry Cobwebs
Macmillan Company. Pbl
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Book digitized by Google from the library of University of California and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb. The first "nine tales have been selected from the ʻShin-Chomon-Shū,' ʻHyaku Monogatari', 'Uji-Jūi-Monogatari-Shō', and other old Japanese books, to illustrate some strange beliefs" Title within red ornamental border Verso of t.p.: Set up and electrotyped October, 1902 Verso of t.p.: Norwood Press, J.S. Cushing & Co., Berwick & Smith, Norwood, Mass., U.S.A Photographic fronti


spiece and plates facing p. 82, 182 and 246. Illustrations on p. [2], [10], [20], [28], [38], [46], [56], [64], [72], [84], [128], [136], [172], [180], [202], [208], [218], [226] and [234]. Incidental illustrations throughout Advertisements on p. [2]-[3] at end The legend of Yurei-Daki -- In a cup of tea -- Common sense -- Ikiryō -- Shiryō -- The story of O-Kamé -- Story of a fly -- Story of a pheasant -- The story of Chūgōro -- A woman's diary -- Heiké-gani -- Fireflies -- A drop of dew -- Gaki -- A matter of custom -- Revery -- Pathological -- In the dead of the night -- Kusa-Hibari -- The eater of dreams Perkins & Perkins Hearn BAL

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