Krag And Johnny Bear With Pictures

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The book Krag And Johnny Bear With Pictures was written by author Here you can read free online of Krag And Johnny Bear With Pictures book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Krag And Johnny Bear With Pictures a good or bad book?
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The hunter's face was calm and hard. The rifle rang, and Scotty hid his head. For the familiar " crack ! " had sounded as it never did before. He heard a rattling on the distant stones, then a long-drawn " snoof ! ' But he neither looked nor moved. Two minutes later all was still, and he timidly raised his head. Was he gone? or what?
There on the snow lay a great gray-brown form, and at one end, like a twin-necked hydra coiling, were the horns, the wonderful horns, the sculptured record of the
...splendid life of a splendid creature, his fifteen years of life made visible at once. There were the points, much worn now, that once had won his Lamb-days' fight. There were the years of robust growth, 62 Krag each long in measure of that growth ; here was that year of sickness ; there the splinter on the fifth year's ring, which notched his first love- fight. The points had now come round, and on them, could we but have seen, were the lives of many Gray Wolves that had sought his life. And so the rings read on, the living record of a life whose very preciousness had brought it to a sudden end.

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