Lady Merton; a Tale of the Eternal City 1

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Tellifer led his friends into a vineyard, and towards the Via Salaria, till they reached the opening of a catacomb. Entrusting themselves to a guide they descended, as it seemed to Mary, into the bowels of the earth. She was in a tremor of indefinite apprehension, nervous, and very uncomfortable. They walked through passages with niches and, on either side, opened and unopened recesses for the dead, common to the catacombs ; and, as they went, finding that there really seemed to be no indicatio...n that the bottom would drop out and let them into some awful abyss, or that the earth above would fall in, burying them alive, as everything appeared stable, in fact, and as the rest of the party showed no thought of anything dangerous, or even disagreeable, by degrees Lady Merton recovered her tranquillity, and, with her usual facility, began to image, as actually present, scenes that were enacted here eighteen hundred years ago.
As for Sir Henry, he felt only a little more veneration than when in the Roman churches, regarding these 126 Lady Merton.

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Lady Merton; a Tale of the Eternal City 1
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