Laws of the State of New York: Passed At the Sessions of the Legislature ... 1

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Laws of the State of New York: Passed At the Sessions of the Legislature ... 1
New York (State)
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Be it enacted by the People of the State of New York\ represented in comml»- Senate and Assembly^ and it is hereby enacted by the authority ^ ®***°®^^ the same That it shall and may be lawful for the commissioners of tfon to™" sequestration for the county of Tryon, and they are hereby required out ^ovteions of any monies which now are or hereafter may come into their hands i^i p^^"* in the execution of their office to procure and furnish to Mary Tenis, """" 38 named.
.... 7.
Catharine Sheffein, Elizabeth Browning, Catharine Ringle, Margaret Keller, Mary Clements, Elizabeth Irine, Susannah Ohene, Gertrude Steinwax and Magdalen Snackein and their children until the first day of August* next at the rate of one pound of wheat meal and one pound of Indian meal per day to each of them; and to such of the families of the said women as shall produce a certificate from the representatives in assembly for the county of Tryon and such of the senators for the west- em district as shall be resident in the said county or any three of them as many milch cows, not exceeding two to a family, as shall be certified in such certificate to be necessary.

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Laws of the State of New York: Passed At the Sessions of the Legislature .....
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