Laws Relating to Mother's Pensions in the United States, Canada, Denmark And New Zealand

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auioiint apportioned to sueli county during the first lisciil year according to the aforesaid classification, including therein all unexpended balances from the previous fiscal year credited to the several counties accepting the provisions of this act, which unexpended moneys shall remain available during the second fiscal year for use by the counties to which theretofore credited, and excluding all moneys apportioned to the several counties which h
...ave not availed them- selves of the pro\isions of this act. He shall likewise exclude from said appor- tionment all moneys appropriated for the second fiscal year for counties which l)ave not accepted the provisions of this act before the end of the first fiscal year.
Sec. 16. Surplus funds. — All funds set aside from year to year for counties which have not availed themselves of the provisions of this act shall be set aside into a surplus fu)Kl. The surjdus fund shall be available during the sec- ond fiscal year in the counties which have availed themselves of the pro- visions of this act before the end of the first fiscal year, but no county shall be entitled to an amount from such fund in excess of twenty-five per centum of the aggregate stim apportioned and set aside by the State treas- urer to that county for the two-year period, and no such county shall participate in «uch surplus fund unless it shall, in addition to the appropriations herein- before required, appropriate a sum equal to the amount which It desires from the surplus fund.

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