Lawyers' Reports Annotated Bk. 58

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Lawyers' Reports Annotated Bk. 58
Lawyers Co-Operative Publishing Company
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Monnett v. Baker, 5» Ohio St. 1, 44 N. E. 516; Kenton v. State ex rel. Kelly, 52 Ohio St 59, 38 N. E. 885: State ex rel.
Reemelin v. Smith, 48 Ohio St. 211, 26 N.
E. 1069; Re Preston, 63 Ohio St 428, 52 L. 11. A. 523, 59 N. E. 101; Yeazill v. State, 20 Ohio C. C. 646.
All laws which affcet or govern the sys- tem and character of the public schools, the scope of the education given, the charajcter and powers of the officers in charge of them, the raising and disbursement of funds for their suppo
...rt, and the licensing, hiring, payment and pensioning of teachers, must have a uniform operation throughout the state, irrespective of the grade or class of cities contained in any particular school district, or of the districts themselves.
State ex rel. Sheets v. Cotcles, 64 Ohio St 162, 59 N. E. 895; State ex rel. Atty.
Gen. V. Davis, 55 Ohio St. 15, 44 N. E. 511; Silberman v. Hay, 59 Ohio St 582, 44 L.
R. A. 264, 53 N. E. 258; Cincinnati v.
Sieinkamp, 54 Ohio St 284, 43 N. E. 490; Hamilton County v.

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