Learning (2011)

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The advice from Betty Keller and her friends was strong — hold the study somewhere else. But Francesca must’ve suspected she might do that, because the woman pulled her aside a few weeks ago and said only this: “It would be a cast Bible time wherever you hold it. So don’t think about having it somewhere else.”
“What if it wasn’t for the cast … but for anyone?” Bailey still felt nervous talking to her.
The director gave her a long look. “I can’t stop you then. But given your public role in our ca
...st, I don’t advise you leading it.”
Bailey could do what she wanted, of course. She could hold the Bible study at a local coffee shop, or in the lobby of the Kellers’ apartment building. But if Francesca found out, she could simply cancel her contract and send her home. She had the right to cut Bailey anytime, for any reason. That was how the contract read. Of course, Tim Reed and his girlfriend from the Wicked cast were involved in the church at Times Square, and they had their own Bible study.

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