Lectures On Romanism, Being Illustrations And Refutations of the Errors of Romanism And Tractarianism

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Lectures On Romanism, Being Illustrations And Refutations of the Errors of Romanism And Tractarianism
John Cumming
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He bought four copies, and out of those copies two were dated 1850 ; and now I have got one copy printed at Lyons ; one printed at Paris; one at Rouen: one dated 1845, one 1849, two 1850, and one 1835 ; and I may add, that the book may be purchased at thirteen-pence-halfpenny. Now, having given you the history of the book, I will present you with a few extracts from it, to show that what Dr. Newman chai'ges, and toils to dissipate for obvious reasons, as a popular prejudice, namely, that the Ch...urch of Rome worships the Virgin Mary, is a sober and truthful statement, capable of being word for word established. First of all, this book begins with an invitation, " Come unto Mary, all ye who are heavy laden, and she will give you rest." That is the beginning of it. Then I take some of the Psalms. Here is the 95th Psalm, " come, let us sing unto our Lady : let us heartily rejoice in the strength of our salvation. Let us come before her presence with thanksgiving ; and show ourselves glad in her with psalms.

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