Left Hanging

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After commuting for years in New York City, and before that in Washington, D.C., that was a fact worth noting.
    The uneventfulness allowed information about Keith Landry’s strange death to roll around in the back of my head, while the front chewed on another issue. I needed a “Helping Out” segment.
    I had a few in the can for my twice-a-week consumer affairs spot, but you never knew when you might need a few more. News Director Les Haeburn might start listening to me and add more slots eac
...h week. Or he might get the bright idea to use me for the kind of stories I’d done for nearly two decades before being exiled to KWMT after daring to a.) accumulate birthdays, b.) compound raises, and c.) call it quits with a news network-exec husband who knew the nasty pitfalls in my contract, because he’d written it and recommended I sign it.
    Okay, miracles were unlikely. I still needed a “Helping Out” segment to keep my hand in at what I liked to think remained my profession.

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