Legal Ease (Sutton Capital Series)

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Over the next week, Jack, Kelly, and Mrs. Poole fell into a comfortable routine around the house. Jack left for work before Kelly got up in the morning so they didn’t see each other before work, but Jack started coming home for dinner in the evenings. He was surprised to find he liked the time with Kelly at night, liked talking to her and having someone at home waiting for him at the end of the day.
    Mrs. Poole often sat down and ate with them, instead of just leaving a plate warming in the o
...ven for him like she had before Kelly arrived. Then, Mrs. Poole headed back to her room and Jack and Kelly went into the den to watch a movie or T.V. together. After a movie, Jack would go into his office to work and Kelly would read a book before heading up to her room.
    After a week of falling comfortably into their newfound life together, Kelly happened to get up earlier than usual and entered the kitchen as he stood behind the center island in the kitchen, eating yogurt while he waited for his coffee to brew.

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Legal Ease (Sutton Capital Series)
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