Legend of the Forbidden

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In fact she couldn't stop thinking it. All day, that's what was on her mind. She felt like a traitor. Not because of Dani, but because of Ethan. How could she let herself do something so foolish when it might hurt her chances with him? He can't find out. He can't know. Hopefully Tyson would keep his promise.
    Ethan didn't return to the house until late. Food-testing was apparently an all-day event, though Maya doubted that was all they 'd been doing, since most of the family had come home bef
...ore dinnertime. Yet Ethan and Dani were gone all day and most of the night. Dani retired to bed, and Maya finally had a chance to get Ethan to herself.
    “Hey,” Maya said, coming up behind him in the living room. Ever since she'd locked lips with Tyson, Maya had felt more energetic. Something about the moment had healed her, bones no longer ached, breathing felt easier, and she wasn't tired for a change.
    Ethan turned to face her, and he was smiling.

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Legend of the Forbidden
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