Legend of the Great Dragon (2013)

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The book Legend of the Great Dragon was written by author Here you can read free online of Legend of the Great Dragon book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Legend of the Great Dragon a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Legend of the Great Dragon book?
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The two of them would escape from everything and live happily ever after. He knew none of that would have pleased her, however. Mikko was set in achieving her destiny, and he planned on being supportive of her decisions even if some of them were frightening to him.
    The last thing he wanted to do was watch her get hurt. Their time together was precious and fragile; it needed to be cherished and treated with the utmost of care. There was so much about what Mikko had to do that he didn't unders
...tand, but to him, that's what made him most qualified to be her husband. He loved her and not any kind of preconceived notion of her that came from reading an ancient prophecy.
    Most of the past three days had been spent in the hotel room. Ichi selfishly wanted to take up as much of her time as possible. They ordered room service and played cards until all hours of the night. When everyone else was asleep, the two sneaked around the halls or played on the beach under the moonlight.

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Legend of the Great Dragon
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