Legend of the Inero Dragon

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He was a doctor and specialized in dragon birthing.
They probably should have seen him sooner, but Kat had felt fine. If something wasn't right, she knew without a doubt she would be able to tell. Especially with how loud the baby was starting to communicate with her.
Hungry, the baby said inside her mind.
Soon, I promise, she said, rubbing her stomach.
Matt held her hand. Lenora sat in the corner for extra moral support. The checkup was already almost over. All that was left was a magic scan. M
...att didn't appear to be interested in any of the appointment. He stared off ahead of him, yawning every so often. Lenora, on the other hand, was completely fascinated, which helped Kat maintain her own enthusiasm.
Doctor Ryan's hands began to glow a soft, orange color, and heat radiated from them as he put them on the small bump that was her belly. It tickled the baby, because Kat could hear it giggling.
"Everything is coming up okay. I'm not sensing any defects or problems," he said with an encouraging smile.

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Legend of the Inero Dragon
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