Legend of the Touched

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There wasn't much time. Soon Darien would have to leave for the Inero country. His uncles had their troops in place, ready to attack, to create the diversion he'd need to sneak in. Darien gathered with Tony, Alex, and Allegra in the den.
Tony held a copy of the Holy Book in his hands. "It's a simple ceremony, but it will take a lot out of you both.
Especially Alex. Your magic is strong Darien, so you might not feel as much of a drain. Because of this strength though, this might be a particularly
... painful thing for you to endure Alex. I just want you to understand that. It's similar to what the women go through when they transition, or adapt, to our magic changing their DNA and making them like us. The same thing will happen to you. Remember though, you will be like us, not one of us." "I understand," Alex said, a fierce determination in his voice.
"Okay, face one another," Tony instructed Darien and Alex. They did so and waited. "All right, before we continue. Alex, do you solemnly swear that you will uphold your duties as a Guardian, a keeper of our secret?

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Legend of the Touched
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