Legends of Manitou, And Other Poems

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The book Legends of Manitou, And Other Poems was written by author Here you can read free online of Legends of Manitou, And Other Poems book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Legends of Manitou, And Other Poems a good or bad book?
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Headgear and wing they hide, Then, as they forward stride, Councils the ancient guide.
Speaking a warning: ''Good men are like this rock, " Steadfast they stand and mock "Windstorm and lightning shock, "Sure and determined." "Firm, wilt thou stand, oh, Youth, "Knowing thy bride's behoof "And thine depend on proof "Of thy strong nature?" "This is the lodge of sin, "Witches abide within, " Hoping by guile to win "Young men to evil." "Join not their wicked dance; "Should they thy soul entrance, "L
...ost is thine only chance "To win the maiden." Part II. — Scene 3rd.
There, in the fitful light.
In festive garments dight, Wavering to left or right, With the soft drum beats, 21 Dances a beauteous band; Joining now, hand to hand, Softly they beg I — command !
'Husivar to join them.
Round him in rings they ghde ; One creeps close to his side; Weep now, lost Eagle bride, 'Husivar is dancing!
Faster they whirl around, Hardly they touch the ground; Louder the drum beats sound, Mad their gyrations.

What to read after Legends of Manitou, And Other Poems?
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Legends of Manitou, And Other Poems
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