Leonard Wood, Conservator of Americanism;

Cover Leonard Wood, Conservator of Americanism;
Leonard Wood, Conservator of Americanism;
Wood Eric Fisher
The book Leonard Wood, Conservator of Americanism; was written by author Here you can read free online of Leonard Wood, Conservator of Americanism; book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Leonard Wood, Conservator of Americanism; a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Leonard Wood, Conservator of Americanism; book?
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Doctor Carroll also allowed himself to be bit- ten and had a serious case of yellow fever, but finally recovered.
The two remaining physicians, Reed and Kean, then presented themselves at Wood's headquar- ters, and stated that they believed the point had been reached where it had become necessary to make a considerable number of experiments on hiunan beings, if their final conclusions were to be decisive. They wanted new and larger ap- propriations to pay those who were willing to submit themse
...lves to experiments, and they also needed official authority to make the tests, which were almost certain to cause further loss of hu- man life.
They were informed that whatever money was required would be made available, and that Gov- ernor Wood himself would assume all responsi- bility for the experiments. They were cautioned to make tests only upon people who were in sound health and of legal age, and who had been made to understand the humanitarian purpose of the experiment, as well as the risk they assumed.

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Leonard Wood, Conservator of Americanism;
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