Lettice Arnold. a Tale 1

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it is not her fault — poor dear mamma !" " No, my love, such a dreadful sufferer as the poor General too often is, makes things very difficult at times. I understand all that quite well ; but we are still only on the preamble of your discourse, my Catherine ; something more than rain lamentation is to come of it, I feel sure." " Yes — indeed. Dear, generous mamma !
She would not hear of my staying with her and giving up Edgar ; nor would she listen to what he was noble enough to propose, that h
...e should abandon his profession, and come and live at the Hazels — rather than that I should feel that I was tampering with my duty, for his sake — dear fellow !" And the tears stood in Catherine's eyes.
" Nothing I could say would make her listeu to it. I could hardly be sorry for Edgar*s sake. I knew what a sacrifice it would have been upon his part, — more than a woman ought to accept from a lover, I think, — a man in his dotage, as one may say. Don't you think so too, ma'am." " Yes, my dear, indeed I do.

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Lettice Arnold. a Tale 1
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