Letting Go

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She knew, without arrogance, that she looked her best. She’d been very careful with her appearance, no matter that Dash had told her she’d be naked in short order.But she wanted to look good, not only for her own confidence, but for Dash. She wanted him to be proud of her. To be proud to have her at his side and on his arm when they walked into The House.Dash helped her from his car and tucked her arm underneath his as they walked toward the entrance.How different this trip was compared with her... last, when she’d been terrified and so nervous her stomach had been one gigantic ball of nausea. At least this time she didn’t have to go through the motions of the social rooms downstairs where people gathered to hook up for the night. No worry over picking the wrong man or someone who would hurt her.Dash was with her, his possession evident in his every expression and movement. There would be no choosing another man tonight. Her choice was made. Dash and only Dash would take her through the paces of whatever he planned.Not knowing exactly what it was he planned for her added an element of intrigue and only heightened her arousal.

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