Library of the World's Best Mystery And Detective Stories 3

Cover Library of the World's Best Mystery And Detective Stories 3
Library of the World's Best Mystery And Detective Stories 3
Hawthorne Julian
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— Mary, Mary, save me ! *' The servant resolved to give what aid she could, seized a large poker, and was harrying to his assistance, when she found that they had nailed up the door of communication at the head of the stairs. What passed after this she could not tell; for, when the impulse of intrepid fidelity had been balked, and she found that her own safety was provided for by means which made it impossible to aid a poor fellow creature who had just invoked her name, the generous- hearted cr...eature was overcome by anguish of mind, and sank down on the stair, where she lay, unconscious of all that suc- ceeded, until she found herself raised in the arms of a mob who had entered the house. And how came they to have entered? In a way characteristically dreadful. The night was starlit ; the patrols had perambulated the street without noticing anything suspicious, when two foot passengers, who were following in their rear, observed g. dark-colored stream traversing the causeway. One of them, at the same instant tracing the stream backward with his ey^s, observed that it flowed from under the door of Mr.

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Library of the World's Best Mystery And Detective Stories 3
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