Library of the World's Best Mystery And Detective Stories 4

Cover Library of the World's Best Mystery And Detective Stories 4
Library of the World's Best Mystery And Detective Stories 4
Hawthorne Julian
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" Give something for the expenses of the services ! " cried the man.
" No," said the cashier. (The Devil's money should not go to the Church.) "For the poor!" " No." " For repairing the Church ! " " No." "The Lady Chapel!" " No." " For the schools ! " " No." Castanier went, not caring to expose himself to the sour looks that the irritated functionaries gave him.
Outside, in the street, he looked up at the Church of Saint-Sulpice. " What made people build the giant cathe- drals I have seen in ev
...ery country?" he asked himself.
" The feeling shared so widely throughout all time must surely be based upon something." "Something! Do you call God something?" cried his conscience. " God ! God ! God ! . . ." The word was echoed and reechoed by an inner voice, till it overwhelmed him; but his feeling of terror subsided as he heard sweet distant sounds of music that he had caught faintly before. They were singing in the church, he thought, and his eyes scanned the great doorway. But 173 French Mystery Stories as he listened more closely, the sounds poured upon him from all sides ; he looked round the square, but there was no sign of any musicians.

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