Library of the World's Best Mystery And Detective Stories 5

Cover Library of the World's Best Mystery And Detective Stories 5
Library of the World's Best Mystery And Detective Stories 5
Hawthorne Julian
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You will stop sneering at the psychological side of the aflFairl To Siberia with your Maria Ivanovna! I will prove it! If philosophy is not enough for you, I have something substan- tial for you. It will show you how correct my philosophy is. Just give me permission ^" " What are you going on about? " "About the safety match! Have you forgotten it? I haven't! I am going to find out who struck it in the mur- dered man's room. It was not Nicholas that struck it; it was not PsyekoflF, for neither ...of them had any matches when they were examined ; it was the third person, Maria Ivanovna. I will prove it to you. Just give me permission to go through the district to find out." " That's enough ! Sit down. Let us go on with the ex- amination." Dukovski sat down at a little table, and plunged his long nose in a bundle of papers.
" Bring in Nicholas TetekhoflF ! " cried the examining magistrate.
170 Anton Chekhoff They brought Nicholas in. Nicholas was pale and thin as a rail. He was trembling.
"Tetekhoff!" began Chubikoff.

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Library of the World's Best Mystery And Detective Stories 5
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