Library of the World's Best Mystery And Detective Stories 6

Cover Library of the World's Best Mystery And Detective Stories 6
Library of the World's Best Mystery And Detective Stories 6
Hawthorne Julian
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He had four children; to wit, three sons and a daughter: he also owned wealth and treasures ^ 107 Oriental Mystery Stories greater than reed can pen or page may contain ; as well as animals such as horses and camels, sheep and black cattle ; and he was held in awe by all the sovereigns. But when his reign had lasted for a length of time, Age brought with it ailments and infirmities and he became incapable of faring forth his Palace to the Divan, the hall of audience ; where- upon he summoned hi...s three sons to the presence and said to them, " As for me, 'tis my wish to divide among you all my substance ere I die, that ye may be equal in circumstance and live in accordance with whatso I shall command." And they said, " Hearkening and obedience." Then quoth the Sultan, " Let the eldest of you become sovereign after me : let the cadet succeed to my moneys and treasures, and as for the youngest let him inherit my animals of every kind. Suf- fer none to transgress against other ; but each aid each and assist his co-partner." He then caused them to sign a bond and agreement to abide by his bequeathal ; and, after delay- ing a while, he departed to the mercy of Allah.

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