Life After Perfect

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She’d been just a moment away from running inside to grab a candy bar or chips when the guy in the truck decided to give her the chamber of commerce spiel. Of course, if he was any indication of the bell curve on good-looking men in this town, the town of Boot Creek probably had a pretty catchy slogan. Berry good-looking men came to mind, and that made her laugh. And a laugh felt pretty darn good right now.
    “Lighten up,” she said out loud. This situation wasn’t going to get any easier if she
... allowed herself to get caught up in the drama of it all. Let Mom and Jacqueline fear the worst. Heck, they did it way better than she did anyhow. Today she needed a well-deserved break, and Peggy’s words reminded her of that.
    What better place for something different than a festival? After all she’d been through, she deserved a little fun.
    Besides, why should she miss out on a giant cobbler? Wasn’t that her right as an American?

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