Life And Times of the Hon. Joseph Howe, the Great Nova Scotian And Ex-Lieut ...

Cover Life And Times of the Hon. Joseph Howe, the Great Nova Scotian And Ex-Lieut ...
Life And Times of the Hon. Joseph Howe, the Great Nova Scotian And Ex-Lieut ...
Fenety, G. E. (George Edward), 1812-1899
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— The Her- mit's Cell. — Departure of the Duke of Kent from Halifax. — Some of His Furniture Still in Halifax and New Brunswick. — Suggestions for Renovating the Lodge. — Accession of William IV. and the Dramatic Display in Halifax. — Public Lotteries in the Olden Times.— The Avon Bridge^ Windsor.
In 1828, I visited for the last time the Prince's Lodge, and published in Halifax at a later date my impressions of what I then saw, which might be repeated here, as follows : As a boy, I used frequen
...tly, with other boys, to go up to the Basin in a sail-boat and visit the Lodge, which at that time was left in charge of the bats and owls — for it seemed to have no regular care taker. The walls of the dining room were papered with old-fashioned landscape scenes, representing the Englitsh chase, in which deer, foxes, horses and riders, green fields, hedge rows, trees, streams, and high barred gates, formed the picture. At this time the paper was hanging in tatters upon the walls, the doors were open, creaking upon their rusty hinges, and the sides of the building were in a state of decay.

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Life And Times of the Hon. Joseph Howe, the Great Nova Scotian And Ex-Lieut...
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