Life in Poetry: Law in Taste; Two Series of Lectures Delivered in Oxford, 1895-1900

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What reading level is Life in Poetry: Law in Taste; Two Series of Lectures Delivered in Oxford, 1895-1900 book?
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If I understand him rightly in his Critique of the Power of Judgment, he holds that those only are perfectly free perceptions of Beauty which are accompanied in the mind with a sensation of pleasure, without any perception of dependence or relation ; and that these perceptions cannot be classed under any rational conception or associated with a moral end. But if this be so, the analysis of aesthetic pleasure ought to be limited to the purely physical feelings that are associated with beautiful ...sights and sounds, such as the example which Kant gives of our pleasure in the beauty of iSo LAW IN TASTE part hi a flower ; and hence the consistent followers of Kant have endeavoured to develop his aasthetic philosophy by an investigation of the permanent physical con- ditions which accompany sensations of mental pleasure, inquiring, for example, what geometrical figures are most pleasant to the eye ; how far the pleasures of the ear arise from the import of single notes in music or from measured intervals of sound ; and what are the elementary meanings of the association of colours.

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