Life in the Tuileries Under the Second Empire

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I threw them all. " " You threw them f You were so generous ? " "Not at all generous. I know La Ristori, and the flowers were brought to me in my box, with a request to throw them after the recall, following the great scene with Elizabeth. I threw them con- scientiously as directed; they were brought back to me, and I threw them all again, according to orders, at the end of the play!" This peep into stage trickery was amusing, but rather disconcerting as to the value of apparent enthusiasm !
...other almost regular visitor at the receptions of the Duchesse de Tascher was the celebrated pian- ist, now forgotten, Leopold von Mayer, whose tre- mendous execution was rather alarming for the safety of the instruments under his hands. He very often sent his own, which had been especially prepared for his performance, in which his closed fists actually played a part, to the amazement of the bystanders. How this was done was a puzzle diffi- cult to solve. His favorite assertion, in his Ger- man-English, was: "My Ankers are my slafes" (my fingers are my slaves); but fingers were not apparent in this instance.

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Life in the Tuileries Under the Second Empire
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