Life, Letters And Addresses of John Craig Havemeyer

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" ' 2. What are now the aims of these unions and the meth- ods employed to accomplish them ? ' " The object and aims of the union are to secure for labor a reasonable share of the wealth which it produces, and also to give the workmen a feeling of independence. As to the meth- ods employed to accomplish this, labor uses arguments and per- suasions with employers — including strikes. The union also enforces strict rules compelling men to do good work for good " ' 3. Is it a fixed purpose consist
...ently to avoid in act or spirit what is complained of in employers, and to this extent is the Golden Rule, to "Do to others as you would have others do to you," kept in mind ? ' " This question is equivalent to asking whether the unions are honest or dishonest. The fact that the unions demand ■ good pay while they guarantee and give good work is a suffi- cient answer.
" ' 4. In these methods is account taken of the suffering and losses that may be caused widows, orphans and others in no way responsible for real or supposed grievances and the serious and perhaps permanent injury which may result to members from idleness ?

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Life, Letters And Addresses of John Craig Havemeyer
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