List of Titles of Genealogical Articles in American Periodicals And Kindred Works

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New Eng.
Hist, and Gen. Reg., vi (1852) 9-23.
Richard MATHER [of Dorchester, Mass., 1656, and de- scendants]. Goodwin's Gen. Notes, (1S56) 150-6.
MATHE\YS family. [Descendants of Samuel of Tappa- hanna, Va., 1622.] William and Mary College Quar- terly, vi (1897-98) 91-3.
Venango County. Genealogical notes on the McCAL- MONT family. [Descendant of John of Pa., 1766.].
Egle's Notes and Queries, Annual Vol., (1897) 9-1 1.
]McCLURES of Paxtang and Hanover [Pa. Descend- ants of Richard, 1730]. Egle'
...s Notes and Queries, Third Series, ii (1896) 487-S.
McCORMICK family. [Descendants of James, whose son, Hugh, settled in Dauphin co.. Pa., about 1735.] Egle's Penn. Genealogies, (1896) 440-87.
The i\IcFARLANE-Heald genealogy. [Descendants of John ]\IcFarlane of Penn., b. 1738.] Stern's Our Kin- dred, (18S5) 20-64.
Ancestry and descendants of Matthew McKELVEY [of Greenfield, O., b. 1794] and his wife, Nancy Adams.
By John McKelvey of Sandusky, Ohio. Old North- west Gen. Quarterly, i (1898) 20-8.
Genealogy of the McKinistry family with a preliminary essay on the Scotch-Irish immigrations to America.

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