Little Sister Death

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Jesus, David. Can you afford that?Well, I’m doing it. It’s a gamble, I guess.And it seems to me a wholly unnecessary one. Why did you have to live there to write a book about the place? Christ, you could have flown down and looked the place over, spent the night there if you had to. This living there, leasing or buying, it just seems…overkill, so unnecessary. I hope you never write a book about the Taj Mahal. I don’t think that’s for sale.He felt inadequate, and he knew she was right. He could f...eel cold sweat along his sides, the beginnings of a headache, and for the first time a worm of doubt wriggled into his consciousness. He could see Corrie through the glass front of the market, and he wondered how long it would be until she was asking the same questions.The book’s coming along great. Anyway, I work better with my back against the wall. I get complacent if I’m not on the edge.You’d know more about that than I would. But we’re not talking about Moby-Dick here, or Remembrance of Things Past.

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