Locoweed Disease of Sheep

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The bile ducts were thickened and dilated and there were pin point hemorrhages into the mucosa. There was beginning necrosis of a wedge-shaped area on the cephalad surface of the right lobe of the liver. Twenty, or more, wire worms were found in the fourth stomach and Oestrus larvae in the supraorbital sinuses. There were small points of hemorrhage in the lungs. On microscopic ex- amination the heart showed a moderate infection with sarcocysts, one of which was found in a large Purkinje cell. T...he lung and spleen appeared normal. The liver showed very marked changes especially in the region of the capsule of Glis- son. At one place a widely dilated bile duct was cut across showing in the lumen a section through a tape-worm. The structure of the duct wall was practically lost and around the duct there was marked inflammation with necrosis of liver tissue, abscess formation and the evidences of chronic inflammation. "Small regions of necrosis were scattered for quite a distance out from the main bile duct and the bile ducts all over the section showed thickening and infiltration around them.

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