Lord Deverill's Heir

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Lord Deverill's Heir
Catherine Coulter
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EDMUNDS ENGLAND 1790 Magdalaine lay within herself again, waiting, waiting for the opium to shroud the ravaging pain in her body. She could scarce make out the high vaulted ceiling and the dark oak-paneled walls in the dim winter-afternoon light.
    At last the pain is lessening, soon I will be freed from the terrible gnawing that comes from my very soul. Please, let the opium last until the end. God, why did he wait so long to give me the opium? He wanted me to fight, that’s why, but finally h
...e realized I didn’t want to fight, I didn’t want to live.
    Was he still beside her? She didn’t know. She really didn’t care. He had been with her for so very long. He had spoken softly to her, tried to help her, but he hadn’t given her the opium until she had screamed at him to let her go, bowing in on herself, ravaged both within and without.
    Now, she was free from the pain, at last.
    My little Elsbeth, my poor baby.

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Lord Deverill's Heir
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