Lord of Falcon Ridge

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He must die. He dared to strike Ragnor of York, son of Olric.”Rorik looked at Ragnor’s black right eye, the swollen bruised jaw, the reddened flesh of his throat. “Why do you speak of yourself as if you were another?”“I am of royal blood. Royalty speak like that when they wish others to obey them immediately, just as I’m ordering you, Rorik. Kill him.”“If everyone was dead that you ordered to be killed, the earth would have no more people on it. You may forget your demands. However, I would thin...k it wise were I to give Cleve your share of mead. It is rotting what little brain you have left.”“I am Lord Ragnor.”“Your ship is ready to leave for York,” Rorik said, knowing he didn’t have too much longer to keep himself from attacking Ragnor just as Cleve had done. “I hope you have sufficient men left to row you back.”“I have more men than I need.”“That’s good, because I think some of the men won’t go back with you.”Ragnor just stared at him, then yelled, “Utta, bring me some mead.

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