Lords of the Sky (1994)

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The book Lords of the Sky was written by author Here you can read free online of Lords of the Sky book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Lords of the Sky a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Lords of the Sky book?
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We crested the mountains through a pass loomed all around with great peaks, the sky no longer the pristine blue of the lowlands but a steely color, as much gray as blue. Dull cloud streamed overhead, and there was a constant wind, often fierce so that it sang amongst the stones. For a full day, from dawn to dusk, we traversed the pass, and then pure wonder was revealed.
We had made our camp within the shadows of the gorge, finding its egress a little after sunrise. The road descended here, down
...into a verdant bowl cupped within the encircling peaks like a jewel held in stony hands. Great stands of deodar spread dark green before us, the colors softening on the lower slopes to the shades and hues of autumnal woodland, high green pastures. Far off toward the notional center of the bowl (that cirque defied eye’s sure measurement), I thought I detected a hint of blue, as if a lake lay faint in the distance.
The road ran true through the woods, and as we descended I noticed first that the wind dropped away, and then that the temperature rose.

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