Louisa And the Crystal Gazer (2012)

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The book Louisa And the Crystal Gazer was written by author Here you can read free online of Louisa And the Crystal Gazer book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Louisa And the Crystal Gazer a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Louisa And the Crystal Gazer book?
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But drudge a living I must, for I was not yet the rich and famous author I later became. My stories, when they sold, earned little, and so I had sought employment and received an offer from Reverend Ezra Gannett, who wished me to complete an order of a dozen winter shirts for him, all to be finely seamed, buttonholed, and finished with pleats and embroidery.
I was an unenthused seamstress at best, but his payment would allow me to purchase Christmas presents for my family, so I accepted his offe
...r, and a second one besides, for a dozen summer shirts of lighter fabric to be completed by April. These matters are relevant to my story. Trust me.
My dear friend Sylvia Shattuck was also in residence in Boston, fortunately, for more than ever I counted on her steadfast and amusing companionship. Sylvia, however, was in a strange frame of mind, one that set into motion a course of events that would involve us in murder, faithless lovers, and sad deeds of a dark past. Beware of boredom, gentle reader.

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