Love And Letters

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His later education, which was large, was entirely self-acquired. Lord Byron was ed- ucated at a day-school in Aberdeen and at a school in Harrow, but he never matriculated in either Oxford or Cambridge. Robert Bums was self-taught. William Falconer, the poet of "The Shipwreck" and the compiler of "The Nautical Dictionary," was the son of a poor and illiterate barber. He led a mariner's life, and was lost at sea in the Aurora, of which he was the purser. His entire education came from the use h...e made of his spare moments, which were spent in reading and study. Hood and Mac- kenzie were, neither of them, college-instructed.
172 LOVE AND LETTERS Nelson, the great British admiral, attended the High School at Norwich and afterwards went to school at North Walsham, but he was not a bright scholar, Charles Dickens, after receiving a meagre education, studied law, but he never had much instruction in the classics. John Stuart Mill received a superb education without the aid of any college. David Livingstone, the distinguished missionary and explorer, and Henry Stanley, who found him in the heart of Africa, were, neither of them, prepared for the work of life in any of the English seats of learning.

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