Love is Murder

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MISSIONSherrilyn KenyonI knew I was going to enjoy this story when, on page one, the protagonist asks, ��Who needs killin’?” ~SBThere were only two reasons the man on that Ducati motorcycle had just rolled up Sam Garrett’s gravel driveway this morning—he wanted Sam to interrogate or terminate a target. Or door number three…both. Sam didn’t do extractions. He lifted a rag off the engine of his ’78 IROC Camaro and wiped his hands. Had to be serious for Joe Q. Public, Director of Bureau of American... Defense, to ride all the way from Nashville to South Texas through a scorching heat wave. And after Sam had retired his black ops equipment two months ago. He and Joe had reached an agreement. He’d thought. Joe peeled out of his dusty riding suit, dropped his helmet over a mirror on his bike and walked over to Sam. He swiped a hand over brown hair slicked back in a ponytail. “Tell me again why you live fifty miles from civilization?” “Don’t like salesmen…or surprises.”

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