Low Profile (2014)

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She returned the smile hesitantly and he could see from the look in her eyes that it was slowly dawning on her he might not be the person he claimed to be. But he kept his smile warm and genuine and said, ‘Yes, please, I’d love a cup of tea. I’ll bet you have Earl Grey, don’t you?’ She nodded.
‘Just a drop of milk, though,’ he said, touching his thumb and forefinger together to emphasize the tiny amount required.
‘OK.’ She stood up and crossed to the door of the living room, glancing his way.
... watched her, still smiling. He knew he would have to follow her into the kitchen to stop her making the call. But he didn’t rise or give any indication of his intent because he wanted her to go through the motions of putting the kettle on, setting up the tea pot and cups – and then picking up the phone.
Because that moment was one of the pleasures of Hawke’s work. The moment they picked up the phone to make the call and he would appear silently by their shoulder to reach out and peel the phone gently from their grasp whilst they were halfway through dialling the number which, if they had connected, would only have served to confirm what they had begun to suspect: that Hawke was not here for a legitimate reason.

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