Lycoming College Report V.24, No.2

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A special May term of four weeks.
5. A summer session of one or two four-week terms.
The 1971-1972 Calendar adopted to the above; Fall Semester September 6 September 7 November 24-29 December 22 Registration Classes Begin Mid-Term Vacation Semester Ends Spring Semester January S Januarv 10 March 4-12 April 29 Mali Term May 9 June 2 Classes Start Term Ends Summer Session June 13 July 7 The May term would have txvo types of courses; 1. Emphasis on courses not normally offered in the regular sessi
...ons' curriculum; narrowly focused, experimental, problem centered, or issue oriented courses: institutes; workshops: field work, cross- cultural academic experiences, vocationally-oriented academic experiences; independent study.
2, Some of the courses from the regular curriculum for students who may be deficient or who wish to accelerate through the basic college curriculum.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENT At the February 3rd meeting the faculty increased the number of unit courses needed to graduate to thirty-two.

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