Lycoming, the Alumni Bulletin V.14, No.3

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In recognizing the extended service of Mr. Sykes, we establish the Lycoming College Twenty-five Year Club and present to him the first gold wrist watch, the only emblem of membership. Joining him in the Twenty-five Year Club, each receiving a presentation watch, are Robert F. Rich, LL.D. (1931), George L. Stearns, II (1936), and Mrs. H.
Marshall Stecker (1932).
The Faculty The Summer Sabbatical Program of the College is designed to pro- vide an unusual opportunity for members of the faculty to
...utilize the summer months for travel and study bv means of which their entire J J academic experience may be enricjhed.
THE FACULTY Traveling on Summer Sabbatical Grants, Mr. James W. Sheaffer, Assistant Professor of Music, and Mr. W. Lee Bricker, Assistant Professor of Business Administration and Economics, toured the continent of Europe. Mr. Sheaffer gave special attention to the great centers of musical culture in Europe and visited a number of the Music Festivals held on the continent. Mr. Bricker was concerned particularly with the economic atmosphere and the general condition of European business in the light of its post-war recovery.

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